These instructions should work with RPi 2, 3, 3+, 4, or any computer running a Debian based Operating system such as Ubuntu, or Linux mint, however “Mileage may vary”. First thing you need is an Operating System. These instructions are for the RPi. Download Raspbian, at the time of writing, […]
Yearly archives: 2024
DVSwitch has a Dashboard, that can be accessed via a web browser. To access this you need the IP address of the RPi or computer you are using, which for most home networks will be something akin to The IP address can be obtained in a variety of ways.On […]
Setting up the app on an Android phone or tablet Install the DVSwitch app onto the android device you will be using with DVSwitch, this is available in Google Play. Start the DVSwitch app. Top of screen click on Accounts, highlight one of the entries. Protocol set to USRP Hostname […]
A video of myself, Stu-M7SPI unboxing the Tidradio TD-H8 Handset M7SPI – A Radio Amateurs Learning Journey Official Website: M7SPI – A Radio Amateurs Learning Journey Facebook Page: Github: Tidradio Facebook Users Support Group: Tidraradio Official Facebook Page: Tidradio Website:
Tidradio TD-H3 Wireless Channel Setting Files Transfer Between two TD-H3 Radios One cool thing about the TD-H3 is how you can copy stuff between radios wirelessly. It’s a piece of cake. – Switch off both radios.– Hold the lower side button and power on the radio.– You’ll see “Wireless Copy” […]
To frequency unlock the Tidradio TD-H3 to access all frequency bands simply follow the instructions below. Firstly press the ‘PTT’ Button whilst holding down the ‘*’ key whilst swithing on the device. You will be presented with 3 options. 1 – Ham 2 – GMRS 3 – Normal (Frequency Unlocked […]
The next 145 Alive event will commence Saturday 11th May at 13:00 UK time. See below for regional allocated frequencies.
Their is a new update for the PI-STAR firmware. It now on version 4.2. A reflash of the memory card is needed has the upgrades Buster to Bullseye. 05-Feb-2024 **Version 4.2.0** – Available for Download. This release upgrades the base OS from Buster to Bullseye. Binaries / Dashboard are all the […]
***Competition Time*** Once again the group that im involved with will host a free giveaway competition, the prize is a Quansheng UV-K5 donated by and courtesy of Quansheng Electronics Co., Ltd. This competion will run from today until Valentines Day 14th February 2024. To paricipate you simply must be a […]
This Saturday, there will be an amateur radio event named the 145 Alive Event. It will run on the 2 Meter band across the 145 MHz Spectrum. This event will be hosted by over 30 regional net controllers within the 32 nets being held UK-wide. Below is a table displaying […]