MMDVMCAL is a very versatile tool included in the latest versions of the pistar software. MMDVMCAL will allow you to check BER (Bit Error Rate), send test tones, adjust TX levels for proper deviation and more. To access MMDVMCAL, open your pi-star dashboard for your hotspot in a browser window. […]
Reflectors Explained Let’s delve into the world of D-Star reflectors. These reflectors play a crucial role in enabling communication among D-Star repeaters and hotspots. Here’s what you need to know: REF Reflectors: XRF Reflectors: DCS Reflectors: XLX Reflectors: In summary, each type of reflector serves as an audio conference server […]
Call signs The purpose of call signs Call signs are the primary method amateurs use to identify themselves when communicating withother operators. Each amateur radio licensee has a unique call sign, by which they can be identified.This is important for spectrum management as it enables receiving stations to know who […]
Q Codes QRA – What is the name of your station QRB – How far, approximately, are you from my station QRC – What authority/administration settles the accounts of your station QRD – Where are you bound and where are you from QRE – What is your estimated time of […]
Wigan has a few 2m, 70cm and DMR repeaters serving it and the surrounding area. This list is by no means complete list and the mobile app RepeaterBook is very useful to find repeaters within your own local proximity. You can download the for Android or iOS. You may also […]
HF communications are still a crucial part of military communications. Here are some frequencies worth monitoring as tensions rise in Ukraine. (Data provided by Pyriom.) WESTERN MILITARY DISTRICT The Buzzer (4625 kHz) D marker (5292 kHz)T marker (4182 kHz) The Air Horn (3510 kHz)The Goose (4310/3243 kHz) The Alarm (4770 […]
Has i progress through my learninG journey, We would like to announce we now have our very own TalkGroup on the -TG1942 Talkgroup Description Has a radio amateur i Stuart (M7SPI) am owner and founder of a website namely and facebook page named A Radio Amatueurs Learning […]