VHF Marine Channel Frequencies

Below is the frequency channel allocation to the VHF Marine Channel Frequencies

Channel NoFunctionShips FrequencyShore Frequency
0UK Search and Rescue156 MHz156 MHz
1Public correspondence and Port Operations156.050160.650
2Public correspondence and Port Operations156.100160.700
3Public correspondence and Port Operations156.150160.750
4Public correspondence and Port Operations156.200160.800
5Public correspondence and Port Operations156.250160.850
6Primary Ship to Ship. Air to Ship SAR156.300156.300
7Public correspondence and Port Operations156.350160.950
8Ship to Ship156.400156.400
9Ship to Ship and Port Operations156.450156.450
10Ship to Ship. Port Operations. Oil pollution Control156.500156.500
11Port Operations156.550156.550
12Port Operations156.600156.600
13GMDSS Bridge to Bridge Navigational Safety156.650156.650
14Port Operations156.700156.700
15Ship to Ship and Inland waterways (1Watt only)156.750156.750
16Distress, Urgency, Safety and Calling156.800156.800
17Ship to Ship and Inland waterways (1Watt only)156.850156.850
18Port Operations156.900161.500
19Port Operations156.950161.550
20Port Operations157.000161.600
21Port Operations157.050161.650
22Port Operations157.100161.700
23Public correspondence and HMCG Medilink157.150161.750
24Public correspondence157.200161.800
25Public correspondence157.250161.850
26Public correspondence157.300161.900
27Public Correspondence157.350161.950
28Public correspondence157.800162.000
31RNLI Launch Recovery and Training157.55157.55
60Public correspondence and Port Operations156.025160.625
61Public correspondence and Port Operations156.075160.675
62Public correspondence and Port Operations156.125160.725
63Public correspondence and Port Operations156.175160.775
64Public correspondence and Port Operations156.225160.825
65Public correspondence and Port Operations156.275160.875
66Public correspondence and Port Operations156.325160.925
67UK Small Crafty Safety. Irish SAR Control156.375156.375
68Port Operations156.425156.425
69Ship to Ship and Port Operations156.475156.475
70Digital Selective Calling – NO VOICE156.525156.525
71Port Operations156.575156.575
72Ship to Ship156.625156.625
73UK Coastguard Working156.675156.675
74Port Operations156.725156.725
75Guard Band protecting Ch 16 156.7625 – 156.7875 MHz
76Guard Band protecting Ch 16 156.8125 – 156.8375 MHz
77Ship to Ship156.875156.875
78Public correspondence and Port Operations156.925161.525
79Port Operations156.975161.575
80International Marina and Port operations157.025161.625
81Public correspondence and Port Operations157.075161.675
82Public correspondence and Port Operations157.125161.725
83Public correspondence157.175161.775
84Public correspondence and Port Operations157.225161.825
85Public correspondence157.275161.875
86Public correspondence and HMCG Medilink157.325161.925
87A.I.S. SART161.975
88A.I.S. SART162.025